Every area of ministry has its own criteria and training. Once you submit your contact info, you will be contacted by the ministry leader. You can use the form at the bottom of this page to inquire about serving in any area that interests you.
Judson Kids
Judson KIDS exists to partner with parents, to stand with you in building a spiritual foundation that will lead your child into a personal relationship with Jesus.
Vacation Bible School
Our aim during VBS is to provide engaging hands-on-activities where your child will discover Biblical truths while having ridiculous amounts of fun. We believe this is a week where God can use everyday activities, friendly faces, new friends, silly songs, and messy games to open your child’s heart to receive His Truth.
Teen Ministries
Our Student Ministries focuses on biblically serving 6th through 12th grade youth and their parents. Each service is held in the Multipurpose room. We typically have a game, lesson from Scripture, and small groups.
Small Groups
Participating in small groups gives you the opportunity to develop your faith, meet new people, and make new friends. Groups are made up of between six and twelve adults who meet on a regular basis for fellowship, study, and prayer, either at church or at home within the city.
Judson Church is always bustling with activity. Church members want to stay connected by growing in their faith and serving together. Judson Church has many events and opportunities for worship, teaching, ministry, and prayer.
Senior Ministries
At Judson, we believe that growth doesn’t stop with age. JOY (Just Older Youth) is an opportunity for seniors ages 55+ to come together and enjoy fellowship while learning more about God through Bible study, prayer and worship. We also have a monthly lunch group where we share our lives and learn from each other.
Soul Food Pantry
The Soul Food Pantry is a ministry of Judson Church with the mission to provide free food for those in Joliet (and the surrounding area) who are in need.
The Soul Food Pantry seeks to provide food for a day (or more) to each family that participates.
Music Team
Our musicians lead our congregation in worship through singing during our Sunday morning gatherings. Do you have talents that can glorify God and bless our congregation?
Tech Team
Our tech team supports our Sunday morning music and preaching team to lead our congregation in worship. Different areas of tech team include, sound technician, lights technician, videographer, and media/visual arts technician.
Building Maintenance
God has blessed our congregation with a building and property to worship God and serve our community. Our Resource Team oversees building maintenance volunteers to steward our resources, including lawn care, painting, chair-set up team, and cleaning projects.
Sunday Morning Serving
Sunday morning service opportunities include guest services, such as greeters, ushers, chair setup, information services, hospitality, and more.