At Judson, we believe growth happens in groups. Small Groups are the lifeblood of Judson Church. It’s the place where you’ll discover uncommon community, the place where you can grow in your relationship with Jesus. We weren’t meant to do life alone; we were meant to do it together.

About Judson Small Groups

Participating in small groups gives you the opportunity to develop your faith, meet new people, and make new friends. Groups are made up of between six and twelve adults who meet on a regular basis for fellowship, study, and prayer, either at church or at home within the city. We encourage groups to plan times for building relationships (e.g., going out to dinner) and serving as a team.

Small Groups

Please sign up below and check one of the boxes to your preferred group.

Please select any group that you would be interested in joining. Please also select a secondary BACKUP group as the groups have limited capacity.

*men only
*childcare available
* childcare available
*childcare available
(Please add any individual's that will be joining you in the area below.)
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Small Group FAQs

Getting to know each other in a small group setting is one of the ways that the Judson Church embodies our church promise. Our small groups meet regularly in a non-church setting to help us pursue this goal in a very practical and personal way. The body of Christ is built up as each member uses his or her spiritual gifts. The following are three points that summarize our goals for small groups at Judson Church:

In small groups, we:

  • Keep God at the center of your life.
  • Engage in Spirit-filled relationships.
  • Participate in missions that exalt Christ.

We meet twice a month in the small group ministry at Judson Church. Some groups meet weekly. Every small group sets its own schedule. The members of the group can meet at almost any time, whether in the afternoon, evening or on the weekends.

It is extremely important for every Christian to have a place where they can connect with other believers and exercise their spiritual gifts together. While studying God’s word, bonding, sharing, and praying for each other, we can form meaningful relationships as we participate in small groups. Small groups enable us to share burdens with each other. It gives us the chance to listen to others and to be heard.

There is only one God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, standing in perfect unity. So it should come as no surprise that God designed us to be in community with one another from the very beginning. Genesis 2:18 is often read in the context of marriage. But it also refers to our need for community and the need to connect with others. What’s amazing about this statement is that it comes from God before the Fall. Man has yet to commit sin or disobey God; he is in perfect intimacy with God. And yet, God declares that man is alone and that it is not good for man.

The nature of community is deeply rooted in God’s nature. We cannot have community apart from God. Having a community is a reflection of who he is. The community represents God’s gift to all of us. Hence, Christians should not view community-building as an optional choice. A binding divine commandment for all believers at all times, it is a compelling and irrevocable necessity.

EQUIP Groups

As Judson, we believe growth happens in learning communities. EQUIP meets twice per month in the summer for teaching, small group discussion, and individual study. EQUIP provides you the tools to grow in three areas of discipleship—the story of the Bible, Christian beliefs, and spiritual habits.

Past curriculum for EQUIP includes:

  • Prodigal God by Timothy Keller
  • Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem
  • Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney

Registration begins in May.
Small Group Sessions: days and times are determined by individual groups

equip study