Ready, set, GOLD! Judson Kids is going for the GOLD this summer! At VBS kids will discover how to have VICTORY through Jesus. Let’s explore how the different parts of the Olympic Symbol will point us back to Who God is and what He has done for us.  Everyday at Olympic VBS we will compete, explore, create and run for the ultimate prize; learning how we fit into God’s BIG story.

Judson Church Vacation Bible School

Our aim during VBS is to provide engaging hands-on-activities where your child will discover Biblical truths while having ridiculous amounts of fun. We believe this is a week where God can use everyday activities, friendly faces, new friends, silly songs, and messy games to open your child’s heart to receive His Truth. Allow us the opportunity to get to know your child, laugh with your child and learn with your child.

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Mark your Calendars!

We are excited to offer age-appropriate learning to both preschoolers and elementary students.

Pre-K Week: July 15th – 17th 9:30AM – 11:30AM 

  • Ages 3 (fully potty trained/no diapers) through kids entering Kindergarten fall 2024

Elementary Week: July 21st – 24th 9:30AM – 12:00PM

  • Entering 1st grade – 6th grade fall of 2024

Drop off and pick up are a breeze with our arrival and dismissal procedures. Parents/guardians will join the car line in the parking lot to receive registration information. At 9:30 one of our staff members will walk children inside the building. You will find the similar procedures at dismissal each day. No need for you to leave the comfort of you vehicle!

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Why two separate weeks?

We know we can provide more intentional age-appropriate learning by splitting our large group into two separate weeks. Your preschooler will have the entire campus to PLAY while elementary-aged kids will get to spread out for more games and FUN! The Pre-K week will feature pretend play, sensory bins, outdoor play, STEM play, silly songs, and crafts. The Elementary week includes hands-on learning, STEM activities, worship, Bible memorization, cRaZy games, crafts, and messy fun.

More detailed information about BOTH weeks of VBS and link to register can be found here: Judson Kids VBS

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What can I expect my child to learn during VBS?

No matter which week your child attends, they will hear a story straight from God’s Word. They will discover how the main character in the story provides an example we should follow. Most importantly they will learn that God is always the hero in the Bible story because He is the one who made us, loves us, and has a plan for us. By the end of the week, they will know that God’s Word is always true and because it is always true we can trust it. In addition to our Bible stories, we focus on several questions from the New City Catechism.

We typically highlight the following questions:

  • Who is God? God it the creator of everyone and everything
  • How and why did God create us? God created us male and female in his own image to glorify him.
  • What does the law of God require? That we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Learn more about the New City Catechism app here: The New City Catechism

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