About Judson Women’s Ministry
About Judson Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry is a great place to connect with other women and form new friendships. Our goal is that we would grow ever more deeply in love with God and His Word. Our prayer is that the women of our church would daily be moving forward, pressing deeper into God’s heart and helping and encouraging others to do the same. Judson’s Women’s Ministry brings together ladies of all ages to build relationships and grow in Christ as wives, moms, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, and friends.
Ladies Bible Study
Genesis 1:27 says that women are made in the image of God. This is a powerful and profound truth, yet how can we be conformed to an image that we haven’t yet beheld? As Women of God, we must first learn who God is. We discover His truth, His character, and His promises in His Word. When we see who He is, we understand ourselves in light of that…and it changes us.
The really fun part is that the Bible is meant to be read and understood in community so Judson ladies meet on Wednesday and Saturday mornings (during the school year) to study God’s Word together.
Saturday Morning Bible Study

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Ladies Book Club
Every month we read and discuss books that cover a series of topics.
Where: Meeting at the Norcross household (813 Buell Ave. Joliet, IL. 60435)
When: Call the office for meeting date and book information

Women’s Crafting Events
Need a creative outlet? Our annual Christmas crafting event is held on the first Saturday in December. For a minimal cost, you are given all the tools to create handmade gifts. Join us for a fun ladies’ night out and give something from the heart to your loved ones this holiday season.
When: First Saturday in December 6, 5-10pm