Judson Church
Lives and communities being transformed through the gospel
Sundays at 9:30 am
Your Life, Your Community, His Story
We believe that you are meant for greater. God created you for a purpose: to know Him and be known by Him. We want to help you take the next steps to know Jesus Christ, the hero of our story. Life is best lived in community; we want to see communities – families, workplaces, and neighborhoods – serve and be served. We want to help you find your place in God’s story.
Latest News
Judson Church Spring Clean-Up
Spring has sprung and we have a variety of projects around the church in need of attention. Tasks include both indoor and outdoor activities for all skill and age levels. [...]
Small Groups
Participating in small groups gives you the opportunity to develop your faith, meet new people, and make new friends. Groups are made up of between six and twelve adults who [...]
Ladies Bible Study opportunities 2025
Wednesday Bible Study: Sometimes we look at our lives or our world and wonder what good could possibly come out of it. That's exactly what we find in the book [...]
“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him”
What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.
Your potential is the sum of all the possibilities God has for your life.