About Judson Children Ministries
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Together we can help your child build a Christ centered worldview where they will be able to discern what aligns with God’s Word and what doesn’t, giving them confidence to know Who God is and what He has done for them.
Sunday Morning Kidz Konnect
Elementary Kidz Konnect is geared toward children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. The goal and the heart of Kidz Konnect is to connect kids to Jesus. We aim to do this through a variety of different teachers and teaching methods. We want to spend our time together digging into God’s Word and discovering His Truths for our lives. During a Sunday Morning lesson our dedicated, and loving teachers will explore Biblical truths through the use of hand-on activities, Bible narrative, silly games, and engaging videos.
Before the sermon begins, children can be escorted out of the main service to their classroom for age-appropriate learning. Our elementary aged students are divided into two classrooms. Lower Elementary is intended for children in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. While our Upper Elementary is geared for 3rd through 5th graders.
While both classrooms will be studying the same scripture, Bible narrative and learning the same Biblical Truth, we aim to differentiate our lessons to accommodate each age level. Lower elementary will focus on concepts like memorizing the books of the Bible and knowing that God’s Word is always TRUE. While Upper Elementary will focus on using their Bible to find the story and look up that day’s Bible Verse. Regardless of what class your child attends, they will hear God’s Truth being taught in an engaging manner.

What to expect the first time on a Sunday:
Upon entering our building you will find the Judson Kids Check-In Station. Here we will ask for your contact information, names and ages of your children and any allergies they may have. Our elementary staff use a texting program to communicate with families if a need arises or in the case of an emergency. After registering, a volunteer will give you a tour of our classroom so your child can know what to expect.
Once you check-in at the cart in the lobby, you may find a spot in the auditorium to worship with your family. Pay attention as we worship God together through song, prayer, communion, and MORE. Kids are dismissed for class before the sermon begins. Class will run the remainder of service and kids should be picked up by parents and/or guardians at the conclusion of service.
Kids are in the prime of their lives for growth and development. What could be better than developing a knowledge and understanding of the Creator of the world? We believe it is so important for children to experience social experiences that allow them to connect to others and to God’s Word through interactive teaching, creative activities, and incredible games!
Elementary Primetime is geared for Kindergarteners through 5th graders. We meet weekly through the duration of the school year. Join us on a Wednesday evening at 6:30-7:45 to make new friends, hear God’s Word and grow together. It’s guaranteed to be the prime time of your child’s week!
Fall Dates: September 25th through November 20th
Winter Dates: January 22nd through March 19th
More detailed information about Primetime can be found here: Primetime

Girls of Grace
This ministry encourages young women to embrace the beauty of being the daughter of the King. Through a series of activities, girls create masterpieces, practice basic kitchen skills, and are challenged to pursue the calling of becoming a woman after God’s own heart.
Girls of Grace is designed for young girls in grades 3rd – 5th. We meet monthly during the months of January, February, March, and April from 10am-12noon.
More specific information can be found here: Girls of Grace.

Elementary VBS
At Judson we have two separate weeks of VBS: one designed for preschoolers and another geared for elementary students. At Elementary VBS, each day includes God’s Word, dancing, games, STEM, Bible memorization, water games, crafts and loads of FUN!
Elementary students will start together in the gym hearing a story from God’s Word. By the end of VBS, your child will know that God’s Word is ALWAYS true! After our Bible Lesson and some silly games, kids will rotate with their small group to each of our stations. This is where Biblical truths will be reinforced with the use of everyday activities. Your child will learn Who God is, what He has done for them and that they were made with a purpose!
Wondering if your child should attend Elementary VBS? This week is geared for students who have completed kindergarten through students who have finished 5th grade.
Have a child who is still in preschool or hasn’t attended Kindergarten yet? Then they should join us for our Pre-K VBS! No matter which week, let’s learn and discover together this summer!

Elementary Resources
Elementary Resources:
We want to partner with you as you teach your children about who God is and what He has done for us! God commands us to be intentional about teaching our children His Truths. Be intentional as a family but also be practical. Explore some of our favorite family friendly resources.
Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies