At Judson, we believe that every teen has value and a purpose, so we seek to equip students with the knowledge of God and opportunities to serve others. By creating fun and interactive environments, we make space for middle school (6th-8th grade) and high school (9th-12th grade) students to belong, build healthy relationships, serve, and grow in their knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

About Judson Teen Ministries

At Judson, we believe that every student has value and a purpose, so we seek to equip students with the knowledge of God and opportunities to serve others. By creating fun and interactive environments, we make space for middle school (6th-8th grade) and high school (9th-12th grade) students to belong, build healthy relationships, serve, and grow in their knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Youth Group:
Youth group is a place for students to be known by name, to gather in community, and to receive and apply biblical teaching to their lives. This meeting takes place weekly on Sunday afternoons, 3:30-5:00pm.


Friday Freeze:
Judson Church is the place to be on the first Friday of every month. Students in Jr High and High School gather in a safe space for volleyball, basketball, 9 square, board games, pizza, snacks, and more! Join us next month, the first Friday, 6:30-8:30pm.

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Special Events:

Take a break from the challenges of the school year to refocus on your relationship with God at Winter Blitz 2024!
Enjoy Activities Like:

·         Snow Tubing
·         Cross-Country Skiing
·         Ice Climbing
·         Game Room
·         Zip Line
·         Climbing Wall
·         Archery Tag

Grades 6-12.
Cost is $130.00

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Winter Blitz website


We believe parents are vital to a teen student’s spiritual life, which is why at Judson Church, we partner with parents by equipping you with resources (check out the Parents’ Board in the lobby!), encouraging with the gospel, and sharing updates on future events and ways to get involved with your teen.


Do you have a desire to build relationships with students and show them the goodness of God? We are looking for godly men and women willing to invest their time into serving and serving with our middle school and high school students.

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Teen Resources

Age of Opportunity

Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens

How can we speak the truth in love to our teenagers? In Age of Opportunity, Paul David Tripp provides a Biblical guide to parenting teens.

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity

Going to school, hanging out with friends, or scrolling through social media feeds, teenagers are sure to face real challenges to faith in Jesus Christ. And whether you consider yourself a Christ follower or not, these questions can seem like deal breakers. This book invites teenagers to ask their hardest questions about Christianity and to find surprising, life-giving answers.

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YouVersion Bible App: Kids Bible Experience

The Kids Bible Experience inside your YouVersion Bible App offers engaging, practical insight into how your child can apply God’s Word. And as they’re enjoying fresh, relevant content each day, this new experience will help them discover their own daily rhythm of seeking God.

Events / Serve

Teens are an important part of Judson Church, and we want to provide space for teens to wrestle with biblical truth, relevant issues, and just have fun together. Our events are led by qualified and vetted staff and volunteers who love God and want to serve teens and their parents, so if you are interested in serving with Judson Teens, please fill out the form provided.

Teens Volunteering at Judson

Since teens are an important part of Judson Church, we provide many opportunities for teens to serve on Sunday mornings, including tech team, Judson Kids, and First Impressions. During the week, we encourage teens to care for the community through the Judson Food Pantry, PrimeTime kids ministry, and of course, our summer Vacation Bible School! Is your teen ready to serve? Contact us using the form provided.