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Our 6-8 grade students are going to Walcamp! Walcamp is less than 90 minutes from home and is now offering age specific camp weeks (new for summer 2024)! 

June 23 – June 28, 2024

Cost is $480 + any specialty fees listed below. *The fee can be paid over time. We suggest registering right away to secure your spot and paying the balance over the next few months. 

Register here: https://cwngui.campwise.com/Apps/OnlineReg/Pages/Login.html

Take the camp experience to the next level with the Voyager program! New this year to Walcamp, campers that participate in Voyager will get to select a specialty to focus on throughout the week.

* The Challenge Course specialty will work through our low and high challenge course elements and will get the opportunity to celebrate their growth as a team with an off-site adventure. Work your way through ice breaking games, trust building exercises, and accomplish all that your group can in this specialty! The pinnacle of teamwork and accomplishment within this progression at camp includes experiencing our high ropes elements. This specialty will also get to go off-site to work together on a hiking trip.

* The Fine Arts specialty will encompass a variety of art forms, from music to painting and everything in between. Dive into honing your skill set in a variety of artistic areas! Learn how to keep a sketchbook from a local artist and then take those skills off-site and sketch the beauty of a nearby state park. Plan, prep, and host a skit and talent night for the end of the week camp celebration! There will be opportunities to refine musical skills, drawing skills, and theatrical skills!

* Campers that select the Canoeing specialty will get to practice their skills on the water and then put them to the test with an overnight off-site canoe trip. (There is an additional $25 for this specialty). The canoeing specialty will combine the classic canoe training with adventure and whimsy! The week will take the campers through learning the necessary canoeing skills for going on an offsite river canoeing trip. In addition to this, the campers will learn more about the mechanics of a canoe and use this knowledge to create their own lake-worthy vessel!

* The Horse specialty will get to go off-site to learn how to care for and ride horses.  (There is an additional $100 for this specialty). This group of campers will head off-site to a local stable for lessons on caring for horses, riding horses, and more!

In addition to all of these exciting activity options, paintball will also be offered to this age group of campers. The Voyager program seeks to give campers the classic camp experience in new and exciting ways!

Want to know more about Walcamp? Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TALG8NDavxw

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